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Our Services


Business Meeting

Paper DBS Checks

Many of our clients prefer to submit DBS applications to us in paper format.


ProCRB can still support this method for your account or even a mix of paper and electronic applications.


Our fees remain the same for either paper or electronic forms, but it is generally considered that electronic forms are less prone to error or postal delays.

Electronic DBS Checks

By using a link from our website you are taken to your secure password protected area of our website. This area lets you view all of your past form submissions and your current submissions progress with the DBS.


You are able to create new application which either you or the applicant is able to populate the form with the applicants details. You will then populate the ID checking section and submit the form to us for verification. Once verified it will be sent on to the DBS for their checks.


Our process is simple, easy to use and fast. This means that you will get the DBS checks that you need in the fastest possible time.


ProCRB’s record turnaround time for an Enhanced DBS is 8 minutes! That’s the working time taken from form submission to a full result back to our client!


We are also able to carry out the external ID check required by the DBS if you choose Route 2 for the Identity check.

Business Meeting throught the Window
City Business Meeting

Update Service Checking

Our Update Service Checking setup allows us to complete status checks on your Employees for you.

When your employee has a DBS through our electronic system you can select this additional service.

The Employee will then need to register themselves onto the Update Service and provide us with the reference for this, we will then be able to continaully check the status of thier DBS check and inform you of any changes to this.

It is also a good reminder for your employee as we will remind them when they need to renew their update service with the DBS as well.


You have the option of weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual checks completed by us on your employee with this service.

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